Thursday, February 14, 2008

7 things

Ok, trying to copy Anna, here are 7 things you probably didn't know about me.

1- I worked in a cheese factory when I was in high school.

2-I HATE chicken noodle soup!

3-My favorite show is the Golden Girls

4-I showed pigs, goats and rabbits in 4-H

5-I got turned down from honor society in high school due to a "bad attitude"....who me??

6-I can't study until the whole house is clean and everything is in its place, literally, or I can't focus

7-I hate for shoes to be worn in the house because dirt gets tracked in and then you walk barefoot and the dirt gets on your feet and then in your bed and then you lay your head on your pillow and get dirt in your face. I won't even wear the same shoes I wear at work home. Just gross!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Cheeeese factory. Is that why you are so cheesy?? Baaaaahahahahha!

Bad attitude? Maybe all the patient's rooms you get kicked out of are the same people whose ancestors wouldn't let you in NHS!